Welcome to Serious Donut!

Welcome to Serious Donut!


Welcome to Serious Donut


About Me

Hi! I am someone who loves writing, photography and helping people, and I thought, why not start a blog? So here I am, I'll be giving tips, tricks, and much more on my blog! Just so you guys know, though, not every photo on this blog will be taken by me.

What is this blog about?

This blog is all about helping you guys do your best! Normally I create the posts, but if there is something you need help with, or a certain post you want to see, just fill out the contact form, and you will receive in answer in some form.

Why Read This Blog?

If you're not sure if you want to read this blog, that's okay! This blog gives a variety of different posts, so I would recommend reading a few before you decide not to read them all.


If you have any questions, go ahead and ask them. I am open to all questions. Most questions will be answered in form of an F.A.Q. or blog post, and not in email.

Contact Us

Send a Idea!

If you ever have a question or a comment, just fill out the contact form. Your email will be received, and read. After that, I will do my best to answer for question or comment!

Serious Donut Company